Fojour iOS
Never forget another restaurant or dish- Fojour is a personal food journal for recording and rating the meals you don't want to lose track of.
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Useless apps for the undiscerning
Jan 1, 2021 by DOMOQI
DOMOQI make apps to pair with your avocado toast. They're not great apps, but maybe not horrible. The preference is to keep apps free, with no advertising or monetization strategy, and crawling with a few bugs for the element of surprise. While this doesn't look good on paper to Wall St analysts, it also means less feature requests and support tickets that can suck up time better suited for life's other endeavors such as walking the dogs or pounding whiskey.
DOMOQI is a development group with a focus on useless apps for mobile devices. We are masterful purveyors of vacuous hoopla, and firmly positioned in the muggle quadrant.